News & Insights
March 17, 2019
It’s interesting that the news is now all over this with young people who are now labeled the generation Ver’s …but I have been seeing this over and over every year with students who attend Royal Academy Education for a chance to heal and continue their schooling. I have been so concerned that I focused my last […]
August 28, 2018
Please sign up for a great Astronomy laptop book taught by Bernie Tajonera. Royal Academy (15 Shaker Road) Monday 1:00pm- 2:30pm Starting 9/17/18 with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas. sixteen weeks til January You do not need to be enrolled in Royal Academy. All students invited. Homeschoolers will get opportunity to meet other kids their […]
August 25, 2018
Royal Academy Education Featured in Best of Portland 2018 Profile Series
Royal Academy Education was SEEN IN THE AUGUST 23, 2018 ISSUE OF MAINE TODAY / PORTLAND PRESS HERALD announcing Portland’s Top 12 Businesses.
March 27, 2018
Concussion Difficulties for High School Students
By Shirley M. R. Minster, M. S. Ed. © 2017 I have worked with more than a few high school students who have had one or more concussions and I know how difficult a time it is for both the student and the parents. There are many considerations that must be taken into account. High […]
April 10, 2017
Royal Academy Education Announces Scholarship Fund
Royal Academy Education is announcing another great leap forward; the formulation of a Scholarship Fund! In honor of the founders, the scholarship fund has been set up in the name of The Donald B. and Shirley M.R. Minster Founders Scholarship. “This is a 501(c)(3) corporation organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes of Royal […]
February 27, 2017
Life Balance for Students – Keep Looking Up
Keep Looking Up – Beats Looking at the Dust Bunnies by Shirley M.R. Minster, © 2005 Sometimes man gets so involved in the daily grind that he forgets to look up. A bad habit forms that focuses on unfulfilled dreams, disappointing situations, and negative thoughts. Even more discouraging is that his face and body begin […]
June 23, 2016
Royal Academy Education & Apprenticeships
At the Annual Washington Homeschool Convention this week, quest speaker Penny Cote MA, MsEd Psych of Royal Academy Education Inc., promoted apprenticeships. “Are all high school students headed for college?” asks Penny. “Absolutely not; indeed there are several options for students to pursue in addition to college. Such options may include, trades, entrepreneurship, the military, the Peace Corps, […]
June 18, 2016
Royal Academy Education Presents at WHO Convention
The 31st Annual Washington Homeschool Convention is underway with guest speaker, Penny Cote MA, MsEd Psych of Royal Academy Education, speaking on two important topics. 1. “What is Next”?… high school options and resources to achieve success. Options such as; trade school, build your own business…entrepreneurial adventure, Military, Peace Corps, apprenticeship, straight to work, […]
March 12, 2016
Homeschool Summer Internship Opportunity at MIT
The MIT Chemistry Department is Sponsoring a Homeschool High School Student Summer Internship. Spend your summer learning and doing state-of-the-art science in an MIT Chemistry Department Research Lab! Prof. Matt Shoulders’ MIT Research Group ( will be hosting one high school student from the homeschooled community for 8 weeks this summer (flexible dates, ~25 hours/week). […]
December 5, 2015
Royal Academy Education, Student Achievement
The American Quarter Horse Association, In Oklahoma City, Awarded Taylor Dyke of Windham, Maine , the reserve World Championship Title in Team Penning at the 2015 Build Ford Tough American Quarter Horse Youth Association World Championship Show on September 8th 2015 in Oklahoma City. The Ford Youth World is the pinnacle event for American Quarter […]
August 17, 2015
The Royal Academy Falcon – News and important dates
Welcome back to school, students and parents! And it’s a pleasure to bring back The Falcon, our quarterly newsletter. First Quarter News and Notes (September 8 – November 6) Here it is the beginning of the year and already we’re talking about the end of the quarter. Please mail the work packet by November […]
May 7, 2015
Students in High School Need Research Skills – Offers from RA
As owner of Royal Academy Education, I desire that students graduating from the school have the ability to properly research and cite their papers. This is essential for those entering into higher education, but can be helpful for anyone who wishes to learn how to weed through information on the internet. So, I would […]
May 7, 2015
Shirley M.R. Minster M.S. Ed. Moving to Create New Location N. Florida
We are so excited to announce that Shirley Minster, founder of Royal Academy and loved by all, will be moving to Live Oak, Florida to start a new division of Royal Academy. She will be working with students in the southern part of the U.S. who wish to homeschool in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and of […]
May 6, 2015
Just found a new website that helps young children to learn sight words. Of course, we still hold to the teaching of phonics, but some words just don’t follow the rules. Check this out. You may find some games or techniques you have never tried before. Penny
November 12, 2014
Dyslexia Font available for Free
NPR’s Bill Chappell reported this wonderful opportunity: You may go to NPR to see this For Dyslexics, A Font And A Dictionary That Are Meant To Help November 11, 201412:16 PM ET BILL CHAPPELL Twitter i The Dyslexie font uses slight changes between similar letters to help keep dyslexic readers from confusing them. Dyslexie […]
August 26, 2014
College Information Fairs for Potential Parents and Students
Trinity College in Harford Connecticut is hosting a preview weekend, Sunday, November 9 through Monday, November 10. It is an overnight program for high school seniors to explore both academic and social aspects of the college, meet the faculty and students and interview with a member of their staff. You must apply by Monday, October […]
August 13, 2014
An Independent School is Not one that has to follow Common Core
With all the talk about Common Core, I cannot teach you more than is out there. There is a meeting about this in October. See the great website that will tell you all you need to know about Maine and New Hampshire…and will help all states. Royal Academy is a personally present school with real […]
November 22, 2013
Royal Academy Student Loves Small Engines and Drawing
When you study at royal Academy you are able to learn in a style that suits you. Erik is a college prep student who likes to work with his hand and lives on a farm. He is able to do classes that are not offered to students in his program. Call us at 207-657-2880, […]
November 4, 2013
Adding New Opportunities such as Spanish and Lord of the Rings
We are excited to introduce a new instructor who will teach Spanish, history and Lord of the Rings English that includes writing, linguistics, vocabulary and such a lot of interesting reading. She will begin at the new year and we are excited. Yolanda Simeone is from Westford, MA and can teach onsite or personally present […]
October 3, 2013
Windham Independent Writes About Alternative Schooling
See this wonderful Article about our school. Twenty Years of Schooling is celebrated. A great three page story about some of our students and what we do.
October 3, 2013
Shirley R. Minster on Concussion Difficulties for High School Students
Concussion Difficulties for High School Students By Shirley M. R. Minster, M. S. Ed.© 2013 I have worked with more than a few high school students who have had one or more concussions and I know how difficult a time it is for both the student and the parents. There are many considerations that must be […]
August 1, 2013
Portfolio Review for Assessment
Many states require an annual assessment to be done by a certified teacher of that state. Maine does require this and the best way to have this accomplished is to make a portfolio of your child’s work. By doing this you will see for yourself the growth that has taken place over the year. You […]
July 24, 2013
What we at Royal Academy Education Believe About Learning
All children should be able to learn in a safe environment with materials that encourage learning that is non-threatening. They should be given a wide variety of subjects and subject matter even if it may cause questions as the best time for children to question is in the safety of their homes with parents and […]
July 12, 2013
Royal Academy Education Offers Six AP Courses Personally Present Online
AP courses ready the ambitious high school student for college level courses and provide a way to obtain college credit while in high school. These courses are intense and offer the student 1.5 credits. The course we are offering for 2013/14 are: Comparative Government, US Government, US History, World History, Literature and Composition and Human […]
July 2, 2013
Announcing Our New Website
We are so excited to have our new website up and running. Take some time to look through it and learn more about Royal Academy Education, Inc.